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2023 대한소아알레르기 호흡기학회 춘계학술대회

2023 대한소아알레르기 호흡기학회 춘계학술대회 : 2023 KAPARD SPRING CONGRESS
  • 일시 : 2023년 04월 06일(목)~2023년 04월 07일(금)
  • 장소 : 그랜드 워커힐 서울
  • 평점 : 대한의사협회 0평점


08:00-09:00 FIT Symposium: The journey towards anti-allergic drugs: clinical evidence of modern biologics 좌장: 송대진(고려의대), 김경원(연세의대)
Biologics for immune modulation in allergic disease: mechanistic insights 이경훈(서울의대)
Current treatment and an expanding therapeutic pipeline for asthma 김하민(연세의대)
Current treatment and an expanding therapeutic pipeline for atopic dermatitis 최엄지(울산의대)
09:00-09:50 Plenary Lecture 1 좌장: 이수영(아주의대)
Recent update on pathogenesis and treatment of chronic urticaria Sarbjit Singh Saini (Johns Hopkins University, US)
09:50-10:10 Coffee Break
10:10-11:50 Oral Presentation
10:10-11:50 Oral Presentation 1 좌장: 김창근(인제의대)
Oral Presentation 2 좌장: 박용민(건국의대)
11:50-12:30 Luncheon Symposium 1 (sponsored by SANOFI) 좌장: 나영호(경희의대) Luncheon Symposium 2 (Sponsored by Hanmi) 좌장: 오재원(한양의대)
Long-term efficacy of dupilumab in children with atopic dermatitis 김정희(인하의대) One airway one disease: asthma and allergic rhinitis 김효빈(인제의대)
12:30-13:10 총회
13:10-13:30 Coffee Break & Poster presentation
13:30-14:20 Plenary Lecture 2 좌장: 김현희(가톨릭의대)
Heterogeneity and biomarkers of atopic dermatitis Kenji Kabashima (Kyoto University, Japan)
14:20-15:00 Pro & Con (Allergic march: does it exist?) 좌장: 임대현(인하의대)
Pro 지혜미(차의대)
Con 이용주(연세의대)
15:00-15:20 Coffee Break & Poster presentation
15:20-17:20 Main Symposium: Atopic dermatitis in children - from new pathophysiologic insights to personalized treatment 좌장: 홍수종(울산의대), 양은석(조선의대)
Epidemiology and burden of atopic dermatitis 이소연(울산의대)
Why is epicutaneous sensitization important? 이정민(연세원주의대)
Environment-microbiome-host interactions in atopic dermatitis 김지현(성균관의대)
Personalized treatment according to atopic dermatitis endotypes 안지영(국립의료원)
17:20-17:40 Awards Ceremony
17:40-17:50 Closing remark & Photo
[03186] 서울특별시 종로구 새문안로 92 (광화문오피시아 1417호)