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2025 대한소아알레르기 호흡기학회 춘계학술대회

2025 대한소아알레르기 호흡기학회 춘계학술대회 : 2025 KAPARD SPRING CONGRESS
  • 일시 : 2025년 04월 17일(목)~2025년 04월 18일(금)
  • 장소 : 스위스 그랜드 호텔
  • 평점 : 대한의사협회 2평점


08:00-09:00 FIT Symposium: Breaking Barriers between Wheezing and Asthma, and Beyond 좌장: 유진호 (울산의대), 김경원 (연세의대)
08:00-08:15 Revisiting Bronchiolitis with New Insights and Approaches 송정민 (성균관의대)
08:15-08:30 RSV Vaccination Reshaping the Landscape of Childhood Asthma 배소영 (가톨릭의대)
08:30-08:45 Unraveling the Journey of Asthma Inception and Trajectory 이다경 (울산의대)
08:45-09:00 Bridging Adolescence to Adulthood in Asthma Care 이민정 (서울의대)
09:00-09:20 Coffee Break
09:20-11:20 KAPARD-ERS Partnership Symposium: Advancement in Pediatric Asthma (English) Chair: Chang-Keun Kim (Inje University, Korea),
            Monika Gappa
            (Children's Hospital at Evangelisches Krankenhaus)
09:20-10:00 Improving Pediatric Asthma Outcomes: Role of Early Detection and Treatment Monika Gappa (Children's Hospital at Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Germany)
10:00-10:40 Precision Medicine for Asthma: Tailored to its Severity and Endotype/Phenotype Salman Siddiqui (Imperial College London, UK)
10:40-11:20 Childhood Asthma Phenotypes and Remission: Korean Childhood Asthma Study Jinho Yu (Ulsan University, Korea)
11:20-11:40 Coffee Break
11:40-12:30 Oral Presentation 1 좌장: 박용민 (건국의대),
          정진아 (동아의대)
Oral Presentation 2 좌장: 김봉성 (울산의대),
          신미용 (순천향의대)
12:30-13:30 Luncheon Symposium 좌장: 안강모 (성균관의대)
12:30-13:30 Value of Early Treatment in Infant with Dupilumab and Disease Modification 이정민 (연세원주의대)
13:30-14:20 총회
14:20-14:40 Coffee Break & Poster Presentation
14:40-15:20 Pros & Cons (Can atopic asthma go away in children?) 좌장: 장광천 (국민건강보험 일산병원)
14:40-15:00 Pros 김윤희 (연세의대)
15:00-15:20 Cons 양은애 (충남의대)
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break & Poster Presentation
15:40-17:10 Main Symposium: Epithelial Barrier and Allergic Diseases: Exploring Epithelial Barrier Integrity and Future Therapeutic Strategies 좌장: 김현희 (가톨릭의대),
          임대현 (인하의대)
Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities 류광희 (성균관의대 이비인후과)
Epithelial Barrier Defects in Atopic Dermatitis: Understanding the Mechanisms and Links to Novel Therapeutics 이동훈 (서울의대 피부과)
Epithelial Barrier in Food Allergy: Roles and Biomarkers for Immune Tolerance Induction 정경욱 (아주의대)
17:10-17:20 Award Ceremony
17:20-17:30 Closing Remark 이사장: 김현희 (가톨릭의대)
17:30-17:40 Group Photo
[03186] 서울특별시 종로구 새문안로 92 (광화문오피시아 1417호)